drumming up the excitement

drumming up the excitement

Wow, it has been more than a month since my last post. In that time, I’ve been struggling with the usual school work, new responsibilities at school and my Masters course readings and assignments. I’m so thankful for the 1-week March school holiday break this week – I can finally….. catch up on marking, set exam papers, finish up more readings and assignments, and actually attend non-Masters courses.

Hmm, I think I’m looking forward to the June break already..

Now, I’m not going to say much about the worthy Intel-based successor to my existing (and barely-a-year-old) PPC Mac mini, other than that I MAY be tempted to buy it soon..hehe..

Anyhow, what is a Mac (or any computer for that matter) without the software that it can run? I’ve been relying on the good people at Mac360 and versiontracker.com to get my fix of what’s new in the Mac software world. So imagine my surprise when I came across a website that does nothing but highlight one – yes that’s right, only one – piece of Mac shareware each day.

Sounded pretty weird at first, but the more times I visited macZOT, the more I realised that I was actually getting excited and looking forward to the “next change” every day! What a way to drum up excitement eh?

On the subject of drumming up excitement, the recent Apple “media event” seems to be receiving quite a bit of a backlash, which surprisingly enough, isn’t really any of Apple’s fault. Methinks Apple fanboys and rumour sites let things get a little too out of hand – a situation succinctly described in this humorous Joy of Tech comic.