video on the iPod

video on the iPod

Nope, this isn’t a “review” of the new iPod-with-video (especially not with some comprehensive reviews already done by Ars Technica and iLounge. In fact, personally I can’t see myself watching a movie or TV show while in the train or bus – especially since travelling time is usually so short here in Singapore.

So the new iPod is not (yet?) a must-have for me. Though I must admit the gorgeous colour screens and especially the black iPod look so tempting (ah vanity…).

But for those who’re into watching video on the iPod, here’re 2 tutorials (sorry, Mac-only!) to get existing video content into an iPod-compatible format:

How to rip DVD into the iPod

How to put video on your iPod (original title deemed too “interesting” to be posted here!)