Windows 7 Print Management = Fail

Windows 7 Print Management = Fail

It really irks me that even the latest-and-greatest Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium can’t get some simple functions right. Case in point: my amazing stubborn un-removable printers!

Yep, there are 3 instances of FX DocuPrint here because the first two  (which no longer work as the networked printer has since gone local) won’t disappear no matter how many times I remove them as Administrator!

Most people suggest using Print Management in the Microsoft Management Console; alas, the former isn’t even listed as a snap-on in my version of Windows that came with this free Lenovo Nettop. And it seems like I’m not the only one facing this annoyance.

At least it doesn’t actually impair performance or printing though; for now, it’s a cosmetic anomaly which won’t usually bug me as I usually work on my iMac.