Is it Tiger time?

Is it Tiger time?

 Not sure how it happened without me quite noticing, but OS X 10.4 Tiger is here!



So, am I going to  buy it right away, especially since there’s a substantial education discount available for it? Well, as much as I’d love to, I’m simply too swamped with work (exam papers to grade etc) to even chance the possibility of my Macs getting messed up, even a little – or else I’ll be spending hours troubleshooting this-and-that.

So June  it is then – and by then, Apple should have issued the 10.4.1 update too. emoticon

p.s. this is my first post with the TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor plug-in for WordPress installed. Seems to work just great! emoticon Hope it becomes a standard pre-installed plugin in future releases of WordPress: it’s definitely handy!