multi-blog systems for schools

multi-blog systems for schools

Unsuprisingly, it looks like I’m far from the first person to look into implementing a multiple-user blog for school use, and there sure seems to be a lot of interest in it. I do wish that I’d found this article on Google or something before I did my own research, but I doubt it’d have affected my decision to roll out pLog for some of my students or the (hopefully) imminent weblogs for teachers (just waiting for release 1.0 to come out of beta). Why?

  • My school doesn’t host our own web servers, so systems like Blojsom or Roller are no-nos
  • We can’t afford to pay a lot of money for it, so commercial systems like Manila or Movable Type also can’t be considered
  • pLog’s interface is cleaner (read: less confusing to end users) than the likes of b2evolution, nucleus CMS or even Drupal
  • WordPress Multiple User is unfortunately still too buggy at this time for such a deployment
  • pLog has a summary page which is really handy

So in short, pLog fits my school’s needs…for now, despite some caveats. Anything might change by the time the school actually rolls out a blogging system though (constantly evaluating all options and all that)