Site migrated!

Site migrated!

Ok, transferring my blog entries over to my new hosting service was not as straight-forward as transferring over my Moodle stuff. Someone really ought to write an easy-to-use plugin to backup/restore WordPress entries. Or if it exists..make it more easily available.

Didn’t bother to go through the hassle with my Mambo site though – simply re-created the entire thing, especially since it’s still rather bare anyhow.

Since I was re-doing stuff and my old photo gallery was sparse anyway, also decided to re-create my Coppermine Gallery using a Kubrick-based template so that the look’s consistent with my blog’s.

This was my first time installing Coppermine Gallery on my own btw (my former installation was pre-installed by Globat) and I was amazed by just how easy to install it was..just like it’s user interface.