Speedy surfing with Firefox
I’ve been using Mozilla Firefox for a while, and in my opinion it is the BEST web browser right now. I’m not just talking about surfing speed though: there’re also other things you don’t get in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer or Apple’s Safari, like user-installable themes, extensions (like plug-ins that enhance the functionality of the web browser) and control over pop-up ads. Get more information by clicking this button
A problem with many workplaces, however, is that you usually won’t be able to install software in your computer. Troublesome, but I suppose it has its merits: the PC tech support side won’t have to go through the nightmare of removing inadvertently installed adware or spyware, the way I need to with my dad’s PC thanks to my sister’s “brave experimentations”!
So how do we run Firefox in the workplace then? Simple: get Portable Firefox, unzip the files to a folder on your USB flash drive or other external storage device, and run it off there! Cool huh?!